Hello, I’m Sam.

I started CABB Hypnotherapy in 2022 after I completed my Diploma in Hypnotherapy.

Early in my training my tutor mentioned four key phrases. These resonated and stuck with me since. So much so, they inspired the name of my company, CABB Hypnotherapy.

What does CABB mean?

Read on below.


Through hypnosis I aim to help you Create a vision of the best possible version of yourself.


Through hypnosis I aim to help you Become the best possible version of yourself that is achievable for you.


Through hypnosis I aim to share positive suggestions to help you Affirm this desired version of yourself.


Through hypnosis I aim to help you Believe this version of yourself is possible.


Through hypnosis I aim to help you Create a vision of the best possible version of yourself.


Through hypnosis I aim to share positive suggestions to help you Affirm this desired version of yourself.


Through hypnosis I aim to help you Believe this version of yourself is possible.


Through hypnosis I aim to help you Become the best possible version of yourself that is achievable for you.

What I do

I’m happy to discuss any concern you have that is generally recognised as being improved through the use of hypnotherapy. These include:
  • Generalised anxiety
  • Mild to moderate panic
  • Fears and phobias
  • Habits
  • Mild to moderate pain
  • Problems sleeping
  • Anger
  • Substance dependency*
  • Self-esteem issues
  • Mild to moderate trauma and shock
  • Mild to moderate eczema and other skin irritations

* Illegal substance dependency will not be considered

This list is not exhaustive, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me, I’m happy to discuss your concerns in more detail and discuss if I have the required skills to assist you.

What is hypnotherapy?

Want to learn more about hypnotherapy? Or understand the benefits that it offers?

Get in touch

– find out how to contact me

Call me

07517 663784


If you would like to book an appointment, please get in touch with me.

All new clients must have an initial consultation lasting from 1 to 2 hours.

This first meeting is a chance for us to discuss your needs and goals, and to mutually decide if hypnotherapy could help your concern. It will also give us both an opportunity to decide if we can work together and discuss any other issues that may arise other than your primary concern.

This session will also determine how many consequent sessions I feel will be appropriate to assist with your primary concern for the best potential outcome.

This initial meeting can be discussed face-to-face or through email, skype or phone. I have found that face-to-face sessions bring the best results, but I am happy to complete this in the way that works best for you.


– what people say about me

Sam has been an absolute rock the last few weeks for me.

She talked about me having some hypnosis to overcome some of my fears I have.

Talking over the tannoy at work might have been very basic to some people but it was a big issue to me, it started to affect my work and my home life.

She explained what was going to happen. And always made feel very safe. she was extremely kind calm and caring throughout the whole experience and made me feel so safe the whole-time. Sam’s surroundings were relaxing and I just felt like I was laying on the sofa in my own home.

I genuinely feel the treatment has definitely helped me. As two days later I did the tannoy and overcome one of my fears!

Can’t wait for my next appointment!

I’ve known Sam for around 20 years and have always trusted her as a I’ve known Sam as colleague and friend for around 20 years.

Sam has been aware of my “Hair Pulling” for many years, and although we no longer work together, she contacted me to ask if I’d like to try hypnosis to help, as the loss of hair and partial baldness I was inflicting on myself was really getting me down.

Sam talked me through the entire process, explaining how hypnosis worked, and told me to just relax and listen to her voice.

If I’m honest I wondered how listening to someone could help with a pretty bad habit, but I can tell you that it did!

Sam gave me techniques to manage my hair-pulling, which actually worked. After just 1 session I managed 5 months of absolutely no hair-pulling, however, it did resurface when going through a very stressful work situation but disappeared again once this was resolved.

I’ve had a fear of speaking in public most of my adult life, and this is actually quite a big part of my job role.

When Sam was in training she asked for volunteers to help her practice her hypnotherapy. I felt I had nothing to lose, so made contact and put myself forward as a guinea pig!

I went to Sam’s home where she has a calm, comfortable and very relaxing room in her garden. The minute I walked in, I felt instantly relaxed!

She explained everything and assured me that at no point would I not be in control, which was a bit of a concern for me.

Sam first explained how I can relax every muscle in my body, which was something I had never experienced before and continue to use to this day.

She then took me on a journey, and I could feel myself becoming more relaxed, almost like being in a dream, but I knew exactly where I was and felt very safe throughout.

Her story telling whilst I was in this relaxed state, completely removed all my fears of public speaking.

I have no idea how it worked or why, but it worked and I felt really weird, but in a very good way.

Highly recommended.

Sam I cannot thank you enough for your time and knowledge, I would recommend you to any one who asks.

Sam came to our family home after making contact with my wife, through work and after a few emails were passed between Sam and I.

It was the first time I had met Sam face-to-face and I found her to be a very positive person and easy to talk to from the outset. After a cup of tea and a catch up with my wife Sam and I moved into my music room, a nice quiet comfortable space in our house. Sam’s instructions were clear and precise, all I had to do was follow her voice, relax and, in my opinion, enjoy the chance just to relax.

Initially the breathing exercises were easy to follow and I soon entered the nice warm space as Sam guided me through the process with the aim to enable me to quit smoking.

I have given up many times before and usually restart within 3 weeks, although the longest I quit was 3 years. I have always had the urge to want to start again even throughout my longest quit. I have smoked probably for 30 plus years.

During my relaxation Sam took me to my good place in my mind and then at some point to a darker place and described a possible smoking future, I was quite shocked at how emotional this was. Finally she talked me back up and into full consciousness. I say full consciousness because I was fully aware throughout and I feel there is a difference.

I entered into this with an open mind, I wanted to give up smoking and I wanted to give this method a fair try. Without an open mind and without allowing one’s self to be guided, which could be unnerving if Sam were not as calm and open as she is, I think I would still be smoking.

I can honestly say I have not had a craving for a cigarette, I don’t believe I have had such bad mood swings as previously and I hand on heart do not want to ever smoke again.

To anyone who truly wants to give up but just needs that crutch to help them on their way, enter this with a completely open mind, allow yourself to be guided, put aside any scepticism and enjoy the freedom you have without a packet of fags in your pocket!

Sam I cannot thank you enough for your time and knowledge, I would recommend you to any one who asks.